About Royal Arch Masonry

The Mark Master Mason Degree

The Mark Master Mason degree is the first of the Royal Arch degrees. It is associated with the Fellow Craft, the second degree of Craft Freemasonry. In this degree, Masons are taught about the importance of their personal mark and the significance of leaving a legacy that honors their personal contributions. The ceremony primarily focuses on the story of a stone rejected by the builders, which ultimately becomes the chief cornerstone. This allegory is linked to the building of King Solomon’s Temple and emphasizes themes of diligence and integrity.

The Past Master Degree

The Past Master degree is conferred because historically, only those who had served as masters of a symbolic lodge were eligible to be exalted to the Royal Arch. In this degree, candidates are symbolically taught the trials and tribulations facing a leader or master of a lodge through a series of challenges that teach humility and patience. It's important to note that this degree is "virtual," as it does not confer actual Past Master status upon the recipient.

The Most Excellent Master Degree

The Most Excellent Master degree is centered on the completion and dedication of King Solomon's Temple. The degree dramatizes the joy and celebration of the craftsmen upon completing their arduous labor. It teaches Masons about the joy of achievement and service to the community. The degree culminates with a scene in which the Ark of the Covenant is placed into the finished temple, symbolizing divine approval and the presence of God in the temple.

The Royal Arch Degree

The Royal Arch degree is considered the pinnacle of the Royal Arch journey and reveals the lost Word of the Masons, which was lost upon the death of Hiram Abiff during the Master Mason degree. It teaches that through perseverance and righteousness, one can recover that which was lost. This degree is often said to contain the essence of Masonic teaching and reveals that which is regarded as the greatest secret of the craft. The degree is highly symbolic, involving a journey through the remains of King Solomon’s Temple, where the true word is discovered.


These degrees collectively teach moral lessons related to leadership, diligence, loss, discovery, and integrity. They form a framework for personal development and provide spiritual and moral lessons that are applicable in day-to-day life. The Royal Arch Masons explore themes that encourage members to reflect on their actions, their legacy, and their relationship with the divine.