Masonic Youth Charity Pin

MEC Ken Foy has struck a charity pin in support of our Masonic youth, reflecting his deep commitment to nurturing the future leaders of our fraternity and community. This beautifully designed pin is available for $10, with all proceeds generously benefiting Ohio’s three Masonic youth groups: DeMolay, Rainbow for Girls, and Job’s Daughters.

Pins are available for purchase through all District Deputy Grand High Priests and Grand Line Officers. This pin is more than just a piece of Masonic jewelry—it’s a tangible symbol of our investment in the next generation. By purchasing and wearing this pin, you directly contribute to empowering our Masonic youth, helping provide them with invaluable experiences in leadership, service, and fellowship.

Join with your fellow Companions and reach out to your local District Deputy Grand High Priest to purchase your pin, and wear it proudly knowing your support is making a real difference in the lives of Ohio’s Masonic youth.